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ITE1000 Information Technology: Home

Course Description

The aim of the course is to introduce information technology so that students can learn to use, appreciate, and handle web applications and digital information.

Recommended Books

The Rise of the Network Society

This book discusses how the global economy is now characterized by the almost instantaneous flow and exchange of information, capital, and culture communication. It begins with an account of the origins of the information technology revolution in Silicon Valley, followed by an outline of its global impact on both rich and poor countries. The central chapters deal with the impact on corporate organization and management, and the transformation of work. The final chapters deal with the new 'culture of virtual reality' created by the internet, the growing importance of flows of information, and the impact of the new technology on perceptions of time and the human life span.

Making a World of Difference: IT in a Global Context

This book explores the social aspects of computerization, using a wide range of detailed case studies, analyzed from a variety of conceptual viewpoints. Part 1 focuses on theoretical views of the contemporary world, paying particular attention to the role of information and communication technologies. Part 2 presents empirical material at the different levels of analysis, with case studies drawn mainly from the rich countries of the world. Part 3 focuses on non-Western cultures. Part 4 provides overall conclusions. It is argued that we should be using IT to support a world in which diversity and difference are respected.

Introduction to Computers

This concise text provides a visually-engaging introduction to the most current information on computers and technology. In this book, readers will find an introduction to the components of a computer, such as hardware, software, communications, networks, the Internet, etc. This book helps to define the term computer and discuss the four basic computer operations (input, process, output, and storage); to define data and information; to explain the primary components of the computer and their use; to describe to use of hard disks, flash memory, optical discs, and other storage media; to discuss computer software; and to discuss the Internet and World Wide Web.

Microsoft® Excel® 2010

This book is intended for a six- to nine-week period in a course that teaches Excel 2010 in conjunction with another application or computer concepts, including Creating a Worksheet and an Embedded Chart; Formulas, Functions, and Formatting; What-If Analysis, Charting, and Working with Large Worksheets; Financial Functions, Data Tables, and Amortization Schedules; Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table; Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks; and Creating Templates, Importing Data, and Working with SmartArt, Images, and Screen Shots. No experience with a computer is assumed, and no mathematics beyond the high school freshman level is required.

Experiencing MIS

This book focuses on the latest innovation in MIS and addresses today's changing student experience. Part 1 “MIS and You” discusses the importance of MIS; business processes, information, and information systems; organizational strategy, information systems and competitive advantage. Part 2 “Information Technology” focuses on hardware and software, databases processing, and data communication. Part 3 “Using IS for Competitive Strategy” explains enterprise systems; E-commerce, Web 2.0, and Social Networking; Business Intelligence and Information Systems for Decision Making. Part 4 “Information Systems Management” presents information systems development, information systems management, and information security management.

Using MIS

This book shows how organizations use information systems to solve business problems every day. The 10th Edition now includes new content on using virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Part 1 “Why MIS?” introduces the Importance of MIS, Collaboration Information Systems, and Strategy and Information Systems. Part 2 “Information Technology” focuses on Hardware, Software, and Mobile Systems; Database Processing; and the Cloud. Part 3 “Using IS for Competitive Advantage” deals with Processes, Organizations, and Information Systems; Social Media Information Systems; and Business Intelligence Systems. Part 4 “Information Systems Management” presents Information Systems Security, Information Systems Management, and Information Systems Development.

Ethics and Computing: Living Responsibly in a Computerized World

This book promotes awareness of major issues and accepted procedures and policies in the area of ethics and computing, using real-world companies, incidents, products and people. An entire chapter is dedicated to detailed analysis of the major ethical codes relevant to computing professionals: The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) code of ethics, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) code of ethics, the Association of Computing Machinery codes of ethics, and the ACM/IEEE Software Engineering code of ethics. It is ideally suited for topical undergraduate courses. Furthermore, this book will keep abreast computer science, computer engineering, and information systems professionals and their colleagues of current ethical issues and responsibilities.

Discovering the Internet: Complete

This book provides basic coverage of Internet and web concepts. Chapter One introduces Internet and web terminology and history. Chapter Two introduces websites, webpages, web portals, web servers, and web browsers. Chapter Three teaches how to perform the search process and use various search tools to do web searches. Chapter Four teaches how to send and receive email using both an email client and a web-based email service, as well as other types of online communication and social media. Chapter Five explores further functions of the Internet and web. Chapter 6 teaches networking technologies and communication services. Chapter Seven uses real-world e-business examples to explore different e-business models.

Recommeded Databases