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This course is designed for students who plan to major in language programs (BA in Translation Studies and BA in English Studies) during their first year of studies. Lessons are designed towards enhancing students’ listening and speaking skills in the context of English for academic purposes, but likewise for application in real-world situations.
This book for advanced learners takes a discourse-based approach to the study of English pronunciation and intonation with a combination of pronunciation theory and practice. This book encourages learners to examine the sound system of English in the context of connected speech and provides an accessible description of the communicative function of intonation. It offers not only meaningful practice activities interspersed with clear explanations of discourse intonation theory, but also a procedure for self-diagnosis with individual problem sounds supported by practice exercises. Additionally, it offers ear-training to make students more sensitive to the role of intonation in communication.
This book concentrates on practical rather than theoretical aspects of phonetics and phonology. The book is divided into 4 sections. Section A introduces some basic concepts such as phoneme. Section B closely studies the phonetics of English such as vowels and consonants, stress and intonation. Section C explores English in a selection of its many varieties of accents, from Dublin to Delhi, from Scotland to Singapore. Development of English over the centuries, especially its pronunciation change, is also examined. Section D extends further by means of a selection of writings about phonetics by well-known experts in the field.
This book provides reference for the pronunciation of English, describing what is now termed General British as the accent of principal consideration. This eighth edition consists of four parts. Part One introduces the basics of language and linguistics, the production of speech, the sounds of speech, the description and classification of speech sounds, and sounds in language. Part Two focuses on the sounds of English, including the historical background, standard and regional accents, the English vowels, and the English consonants. Part Three focuses on words and connected speech. Part Four focuses on language teaching and learning.
This book is informed by classical and contemporary theories of rhetoric. In the meantime, it also presents practical skills of public speaking- it offers full coverage of all major aspects of speech preparation and presentation. This book offers a large number of narratives, speech excerpts, and full sample speeches that illustrate the principles of effective public speaking. It relies heavily on examples that relate directly to students’ classroom needs and experiences. A large number of illustrations drawn from the kinds of speaking experiences students will face after they graduate from college are also included.
This book teaches how to analyze the arguments from tweets to infographics to student newspaper articles and how to create convincing arguments of your own. It teaches all facets of argument, including classical, visual, and multimedia argument. This book consists of 22 chapters divided into 4 parts. Part 1 deals with reading and understanding arguments, including types of arguments and fallacies of arguments. Part 2 deals with writing arguments, basically how to structure arguments. Part 3 deals with style and presentation in arguments, highlighted by the multimedia arguments. Part 4 deals with research and arguments, paying special attention to aspects of arguments in the research activity.