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This is the second of four courses designed to develop English language knowledge for use in translation and/or simultaneous interpretation. This second course will continue the development of the students’ English language skills, including focused listening skills, conversation skills and essay writing skills.
There are 17 chapters in this book, covering the relationship between writing creatively and critical thinking, the recognition of the problems in writing, the use of metaphoric language, the application with poems or poetic prose, the application with narrative, the application with parody and satire, the application with musings and journaling, the application with unusual vessels and technology, the design of assignments/assessments that encourage creativity, the correlation between students’ engagement and their revision efforts in writing, the creativity of the Common Core State Standards, lesson plans that involves creative choice and techniques, the approach to setting up an action research design, and providing students with opportunities for an authentic audience.
This book is aimed at training listening and notetaking sills for advanced level students of English as a second or foreign language. It offers models of two types of lectures, the noninteractive academic lecture and the slightly more interactive academic lecture. This book underscores the importance the external storage function of lecture notes, and focuses on developing notetaking skills. Topics covered in this book include anthropology and the concept of culture, history such as the Egyptian civilization and the Chinese civilization, sociology regarding gender roles and gender movements, communication in the classroom and between different genders, as well as biology such as genetics and genetic engineering.
Together with writing skills, this book also teaches study skills and thinking skills. It introduces the five stages that one needs to go through to produce a good essay-interpretation of the question, research, planning, writing, revision. The five chapters in this book corresponds to the five stages respectively. Greetham examines the range of abilities the examiner wants to see you use; three skills in research-reading, note-taking, and organization; editing and ordering the ideas; the framework, the content, referencing and bibliographies, as well as reflective writing in the actual writing; and the revision of structure and content.
This book presents the process of creating and delivering a public speech. Topics covered include ethics, including properly citing sources, accurately representing evidence, avoiding deception and prejudicial appeals; the influence of the audience on speakers; how speakers should listen; how to select a topic and purpose; how to give an informative speech; how to give a persuasive speech with special emphasis on processes of reasoning; how to do research; how to organize the speech; verbal style and delivery; presentation aids, especially multimedia software; special types of speeches and presentations such as those at life transitions and ceremonial occasions, and at work in group presentations.
This is a textbook that uses the theme of art to highlight an approach to enhance readers’ reading, thinking, and study skills. Each chapter is introduced with a major work of art, and selections on art-related topics are provided throughout the text, including public art, Egyptian artifacts, prehistoric cave art, art theft, the Mona Lisa, the Vietnam War Memorial, body art and performance art. The book is divided into five parts, covering major college skills; critical reading skills; inference, figurative language, and author’s tone; how to develop critical reading and thinking skills; and the application of study skills such as SQ3R, outlining, mapping, and annotating.
This book surveys basic concepts behind the grammar of academic English and the conventions of academic writing. It discusses techniques that are vital for improving the quality of the sentences and paragraphs, and arguments that use evidence and logic to reach a conclusion and develop critical thinking. The objective is to develop effective essay writing, and make the readers aware of the common mistakes or issues that can often lead to lost marks. There are nine chapters altogether, covering basic conventions of academic writing; basic grammatical concepts; putting sentence together; putting paragraphs together; critical thinking; referencing; conciseness and clarity; common mistakes and how to deal with them; and proofreading.
This book is aimed at enhancing readers’ understanding of the operation of arguments and argumentation and improving readers’ ability to participate in argumentation. The book features the discussion of argumentation that reflect the world of practical affaires rather than intercollegiate forensics, the real-world examples rather than outdated epigrams, the discussion of argument theory and practice rooted in classical thought and strengthened by modern philosophers and buttressed by reference to contemporary scholarship, and the illustration of argumentation in practice both in genera and in selected technical spheres. The book is divided into three parts, discussing principles, tools, and applications.
This edition is revised heavily to emphasize the sources that students and faculty use as a springboard for writing, and is expanded to include new forms of electronic communication. The book is organized in an order by which essay writing is processed. Beginning with critical thinking with reading and writing, the book then moves to make arguments in different disciplines such as Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural and Applied Sciences, etc. The chapter “Library of Academic Writing” teaches the role of source materials. The book then discusses the research process, the citation format, the multimedia resources, and the revising process. Finally it ends with a multilingual user’s guide.
Beginning with writing and thinking, the book moves to the steps and strategies of writing an essay. Three chapters are contributed to the writing of book report, lab report and business report respectively. Then the book moves to discuss using illustrations and documenting sources. It worth noting that two chapters are devoted to giving an oral presentation and writing examinations respectively. The book also discusses writing a resume and letter of application. Writing style and punctuation is mentioned as well. This edition also points out some of the most common errors in student composition and suggests how to avoid or correct them.
This book is written collaboratively by writing instructors at the Queen’s University Writing Center. It outlines strategies both for thinking assignments through and for writing them well. The book begins with comprehension of the assignment, and then discusses gathering and organizing material. Next, the book focuses on paragraphs, such as the length, the focus and coherence, etc. Then the focus is shifted to writing styles, essential grammar, and punctuation. Then in the “Documentation” chapter, the book discusses plagiarism and citation. The last two chapters are devoted to business writing and sciences writing respectively.
This book argues that the evolving art of rhetoric was created by the great philosophers in Greek and Roman societies during the Classical Era in the history of Western Civilization- the Sophists, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and the Romans. Part One introduces this background and points out the importance of building confidence and listening when getting started. Part Two discusses speech preparation including developing purpose and topic, adapting to audience, researching topic and supporting ideas, organizing and outlining speech, beginning and ending speech. Part Three focuses on presentation including using language effectively, integrating media, and delivering speech. Part Four discusses different speaking situations such as informative speaking and persuasive speaking.
This book presents a logical set of instructions on how to perform semiotic analysis and how to develop compelling interpretations. Moving from theory to practice, the book discussess from choosing a sign to analyze to questioning and staging the sign, from generating ideas about meaning to building essays around your ideas. This book answers the needs of students of composition, culture studies, and literature, providing a process-orientated guide to analyzing anything. The book ends with the chapter “Analytical Exercises”, in which ten analytical approaches are introduced- analyzing spectacle, ads, metaphor, gender, slang, tomorrow, consumption, beauty, captivity, and disability.