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The English Bridge Program is the first in a series of four courses that improve student ability to read, write, listen, and speak in English. The goal is to communicate effectively and with confidence in professional English (as opposed to academic English).
Great Writing 5 is the last step of the Great Writing Series. The goal of this series is to help the learners both to produce a presentable product and to understand the composing process. While the Great Writing Foundations and the Great Writing 1-4 teaches grammar, vocabulary, spelling, sentences, paragraphs and essays, Great Writing 5 focuses more on advanced essays, including research papers. There are 8 units in this book, covering the components of an essay, steps of the writing process, skills of paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, and citing sources, different types of essays such as comparison, cause-effect, and argument essays, and how to write a research paper.
This is a novel by the renowned Chilean novelist Antonio Skámeta. The story comes with prisons overflowing in Chile, and the president declares a general amnesty for all nonviolent criminals. Ángel Santiago, a youth determined to avenge abuse he received in jail, seeks out the notorious bank robber Nicolás Vergara Grey. Their plan for an ambitious and daring robbery is complicated by the galvanizing presence of Victoria Ponce, Ángel Santiago’s beautiful girlfriend, a virtuosic dancer and high-school dropout whose father was a victim of the regime. This unlikely trio dreams of escaping an embattled Chile free from the Pinochet dictatorship but no yet free from its shadow.