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GEC3001 Buddhism and Language: Home

Course Description

This is an introductory course of the languages of Buddhism. It is composed of three parts: 1. Transition of Buddhist languages in India and Middle Asia (the Western Region), which includes Sanskrit, Prakrits (e.g. Gandhari ), Kothan, Tocharian , and Bactrian etc. 2. Translation of Buddhist languages into Chinese. After Buddhism was introduced into China in the Eastern Han, the translators from the Western Region started to translate the Buddhist scriptures into Chinese.And the translation activities lasted for 1,000 years, by translators from both China and abroad. We will find out how the translation team worked, e.g. what were the processes of translation, and how the translated texts were collected as a “Tripitaka” . 3. The influence of the translation of Buddhist scriptures. The translated Buddhist texts in Chinese are treated as the “holy texts” not ony in China, but also in other countries of East Asia. So the linguistic elements in it will influence the language that people use every day. In this part, we will discuss how the elements from the Buddhist texts have influenced the evolution of Chinese language. And what are the influences of Buddhism on Chinese literature and culture.

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本书叙述了公元4世纪、5世纪初中国南部和中部地区佛教的特点,剖析了佛教在当时中国传播的社会背景,尤其是当时的夷夏关系、政教关系和佛道关系,并以丰富的资料反映了当年中外僧人的弘法生涯。全书除绪论外还有五章,分别是《历史概观(公元1-4世纪初)》《建康及东南佛教(约公元320-420年)》《襄阳、江陵和庐山的佛教中心及北方佛教的影响》 《“信仰的辩护”:公元4世纪及5世纪初的反对僧权和护持佛教》《“蛮族的皈依”:佛教冲突的早期历史》。

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