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“No man is an island”. As social animals, people live, work, communicate and love with each other. This course aims to enlighten students with sociological imagination to understand social structures and logics of human life. Various social groups and phenomena (i.e. “left-over” ladies, sexual minorities, beauty industry, Foxconn workers’ suicide cases, global food system, community currency, cooperatives, etc.) will be examined, interweaving with introduction of core findings and insights from classic and up-to-date masterpieces. Students will also be instructed to observe, analyse, reflect on and solve the problems in their everyday lives from a sociological perspective. Jumping out from daily life, the course will then examine the social inequalities (which actually closely relate to everybody) occurring global-wide under the current political economies. Upon participating in field observations, students are expected to have more experiential understanding on the relationship between economic growth and social justice. Students are particularly encouraged to start their independent thinking and exploration on how university students/ graduates could creatively contribute in enhancing the common well-being.
This work sets forth C. Wright Mills’ views on how social science should be pursued. It takes issue with the ascendant schools of sociology in the United States, calling for a humanist sociology connecting the social, personal, and historical dimensions of our lives. The sociological imagination Mills calls for is a sociological vision, a way of looking at the world that can see links between the apparently private problems of the individual and important social issues. Leading sociologist Amitai Etzioni brings this fortieth-anniversary edition up to date with a lucid introduction in which he considers the ways social analysis has progressed since Mills first published his study in 1959.
There are 23 chapters in this book, each dealing with a specific topic, such as criminality, politics, poverty, gender, environment etc. There are some recurring themes across the whole book, three of which reflect key issues shaping contemporary sociology and another three which characterize the approach to the subjects covered. The first three central themes are social change, globalizing of social life, social inequality such as gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, ageing, social class and disability. The other three central themes are micro-macro link, comparative-historical stance, and relationship between the social and the personal.
本书是1939年Routledge出版社出版的Peasant Life in China一书的中译本。此书以中国人传统的生活为背景,展现了传统文化在西方影响下的变迁。本书描述了中国农民的消费、生产、分配和交易等体系,是根据对中国东部、太湖东南岸开弦弓村的实地考察写成的。旨在说明这一经济体系与特定地理环境的关系,以及与这个社区的社会结构的关系。也说明这个正在变化着的乡村经济的动力和问题。贯穿此书的两个主题是:土地的利用和农户家庭中再生产的过程。
This book intends to illustrate the making of the new Chinese worker-subject emerging in the contemporary period, to deal with the production of social desire, to discuss the imperatives and techniques of the production machine in producing the docile, disciplined yet productive, dagongmei, to discuss how dagongmei is crafted and then inscribed on rural female bodies, to discuss the power, discourses, and processes of sexualizing bodies in the workplace, to examine the notion of the scream and dream of workplace life, and to reflect on this volume as a political project and as the practice of a minor genre of resistance in China.
This book is based on fieldwork on interviewing Taiwan employers and housework employees. In addition to analyzing the interaction between employers and employees, it touches on the transformation of Taiwan's ethnic politics, class structure and gender relations. This book not only explores the upward class mobility of the mistresses’ family and the maids brought about by the phenomenon of housework employees, but also points out the racial and class inequality caused by such phenomenon. It describes how housework employees are constructed as the “other” from the perspectives of state control and public voice. The book also describes the situation and status of maids and mistresses in their family life.
This book is prefaced with a “Prelude” constituted by a “Note on Hong Kong.” The book is then structured into five chapters: Place, People, Goods, Laws, and Future. At the end of the book, Mathews puts forward the key concept, neoliberalism, to explain the underlying ideological force that drives and shapes the development in Chungking Mansions. Mathews understands neoliberalism to emphasize the market as the arbiter of value, freedom from state regulation, and the drive for money-making. Hong Kong exemplifies neoliberalism, which makes possible Chungking Mansions as “a ghetto of middle-class striving” that enables people from the world’s peripheries to make a better life.