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TRA2340 Conference Interpreting: Home

Course Description

This course aims to build on what students have learned from TRA2320 through various modes of interpreting, themes and repetitive drills designed to enhance students’ accuracy and fluency.

Recommended Books

Introducing Interpreting Studies

This textbook is designed to provide students, instructors, researchers, and practitioners with an overview of interpreting studies. This book consists of ten chapters organized into three parts. Chapters 1 to 5 make up the synthetic representation of interpreting studies in terms of concepts, developments, approaches, paradigms and models. Chapters 6 to 9 are devoted to an analytical presentation of the state of the art. Chapter 10, the only chapter that constitutes Part 3, reviews the major trends and future perspectives of interpreting studies as a field of research, and offers further suggestions for individual researchers.

Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training

The target audience of this book is the practitioners and instructors of conference interpreting and/or translation. Gile argues that professional translation entails students’ understanding of the theoretical approach that translation serves for communication between the initiator and the receptor. He points out that adding or deleting words and reframing sentences do not necessarily violate the principle of fidelity, and that translation must be conducted with discourse comprehension. Gile offers a number of models for simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, sight translation, and simultaneous with texts, including a sequential model, the effort model of simultaneous interpreting, and the IDRC model (Interpretation-Decision-Resources-Constraints).

Nonverbal Communication and Translation: New Perspectives and Challenges in Literature, Interpretation and the Media

This book collects 16 articles on nonverbal communication in the various literary genres and in visual translation as film and television dubbing. Poyatos gives a definition of nonverbal communication at the beginning, defining it as the “emissions of signs by all the nonlexical, artifactual and environmental sensible sign systems contained in a culture, whether individually or in mutual co-structuration, and whether or not those emissions constitute behavior or generate personal interaction.” The 16 articles are divided into 7 parts, discourse and nonverbal communication; cultures in translation; narrative literature; theater; poetry; interpretation; and the audiovisual channels for translation: film and television dubbing.

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