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GLB5210 Foundation of Global Political Economy: Home

Course Description

This course focuses on the political foundations and consequences of the contemporary world economy and the dynamic and complex interaction between state and market, and power and wealth. It addresses the major theoretical approaches to study international political economy and debates among different schools in the field. This course also surveys the evolution of the international economic systems since the Second World War, with particular reference to the post-Cold War international political and economic order. It will discuss the concrete and important issues in international political economy such as international trade, finance, production and the increasing connection between domestic political economy and international political economy under the context of globalization.

Recommended Books

Global Political Economy: Theory and Practice

This book provides a comprehensive approach to the study of international political economy. Part 1 gives an introduction and the institutional framework of this field of study. Part 2 discusses the theoretical perspectives, including neomercantilism, liberalism, and critical perspectives. Part 3 examines substantive issues such as monetary relations, financial crises, global and regional trade, multinational corporations, and international development. This seventh edition emphasizes the challenge China is posing to the West in most areas of global political economy, and examines how the focal point of the 2008 global financial crisis has shifted from the US to the EU.

Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order

This book focuses on the powerful economic, political, and technological forces that have shaped the world economy and political system. The developments of new emergence such as the end of the Cold War, the rise of new regionalisms, and technological developments including computing power, are all considered. Particular attention is given to economic globalization, its real and alleged implications for economic affairs, and the degree to which its nature, extent, and significance have been exaggerated and misunderstood. Moreover, it demonstrates that national policies and domestic economies remain the most critical determinants of economic affairs. The book also stresses the importance of economic regionalism, multinational corporations, and financial upheavals.

International Political Economy

This book surveys major interests and institutions and examines how state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power. After introducing the concept of international political economy, the book elaborates on WTO and the World Trade System, as well as the political economy of international trade cooperation. Both the society-centered approach and the state-centered approach to both trade politics, and monetary and exchange-rate policies are examined. Trade and development, multinational corporations, the international monetary system, developing countries and international finance, and the achievements of and challenge to the global capitalist economy, are also discussed.

Analyzing the Global Political Economy

This is a textbook in international political economy. Focusing on the core issues of international trade, money and finance, and production, this textbook primarily intends to demonstrate the benefits of a critical engagement of IPE with economics. Contents in this textbook cover the definition of international political economy, the emergence of a multilateral trading system, the political economy of trade, the evolution of the international monetary system, the consequences of international financial integration, the political economy of foreign direct investment, the regulation and policy consequences of foreign direct investment. This textbook ends with reflections on some broader questions regarding progress, interaction between trade and money, etc.

Political Science: State of the Discipline

This book offers an authoritative chronicle of recent scholarship and prompts thought about future directions. It collects 29 essays that demonstrate the field’s substantive breadth, normative range, analytical heterogeneity, and methodological diversity. This book flows from considering the state broadly, irrespective of regime type, to the subset of liberal democratic regimes to political participation and behavior. Part 1 focuses on the state, especially in an era of globalization. Part 2 focuses on democracy, justice, and their institutions. Part 3 focuses on agency, including citizenship, identity, and political participation. Part 4 concludes with the means of inquiry- the study of politics.

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations

Adam Smith develops his theory of economics, politics, and morality. Smith argues that it does not actually matter if societies are mainly driven by self-interest, since the overall effect is good. The ‘invisible hand’ of the free market makes sure that individuals acting to their own highest benefit end up elevating the whole. Smith believes that how wealthy a country becomes depends more than anything on the organization of its labor force. In Smith’s view, a nation grows rich by way of saving and trade, and looting, wars, and luxuries are dispensed. Smith also assumes that people should be free to follow their economic interests with minimum government interference.

Political Economy in Macroeconomics

This book examines how political forces affect economic policy decisions. It consists of 4 parts. Part 1 discusses the concept of political economy, and tools of analysis such as economic models for political analysis and decisionmaking mechanisms. Part 2 investigates the problem of time inconsistency, especially focusing on commitment, credibility, and reputation. Part 3 addresses phenomena of heterogeneity and conflicting interests directly. Part 4 presents applications of the models of earlier chapters to specific areas such as factor accumulation and growth, the international economy, economic reform and transition, and the size of government and the number of nations.

The Theoretical Evolution of International Political Economy,: A Reader

This book is a collection of readings that chart the historical and theoretical evolution of the field of international political economy from the seventeenth century to the present day. Bringing together classic works and leading contemporary arguments, this book outlines International Political Economy’s three dominant traditions of liberalism, economic nationalism, and Marxism, while also including theoretical perspectives beyond the dominant traditions such as mercantilism, poststructuralism, feminism, etc. This third edition not only retains by also increases the number of classic works from the previous editions while also updating the reader with contemporary writings.

The Political Economy of International Relations

This book synthesizes themes in the field of international political economy. Defining the nature of international political economy as the interaction of state and market, the book sets forth the three ideologies of political economy and discusses their strengths and limitations, and analyzes the dynamics of the international political economy. The middle chapters turn to substantive issues of the contemporary international political economy such as international money matters, the politics of international trade, multinational corporations and international production, the issue of dependency and economic development, and the political economy of international finance. The concluding chapters assess the issues and problems of the international political economy in the late 1980s.

International Political Economy

This book brings together some of the most important research essays published in the modern field of international political economy since its birth at the start of the 1970s. It consists of five parts. Part 1 collects four essays by four individuals who were particularly influential in shaping the field as the pioneers. The four essays in Part 2 discuss systematic transformation. The four essays in Part 3 discuss system governance. The four essays in Part 4 and the four essays in Part 5 focus on the two most central issue-areas of the world economy- trade, and money and finance.

Theories of International Political Economy: An Introduction

This book is aimed to identify the differences between the scientific cultures of the orthodox and the heterodox schools. Chapter 1 sets out the history of the field, and the definition, etc. Chapter 2 explains how the orthodox and heterodox schools theorize this field. Chapter 3, 4 and 5 focus on the various theoretical perspectives within the orthodox school- the realist perspective, the liberal perspective, and the domestic politics perspective and Open Economy Politics. Chapter 6 and 7 consider the semi-peripheries of the works of the neo-Gramscian school and the British school. Chapter 8 explores the works on the periphery- the green and feminist perspectives.

Global Political Economy: Contemporary Theories

This is a revised, updated, and expanded edition of the original publication in 2000. Eighteen contributions address new trends in Global Political Economy; concepts and themes in Global Political Economy such as state, firm, power, labor, finance and globalization; theoretical innovation and contemporary debates such as game theory, behavioral economics, neo-, sociological and evolutionary institutionalism, neo-Marxism, development and post-development, libidinal economics, and economic constructivism; and emerging issues in contemporary Global Political Economy such as war, state and International Political Economy, race, gender and culture, environmental politics, and the rise of China.

International Regimes

This book is a synthesis of major arguments that informed the study of international relations during the 1970s. After an overview of the concept of international regimes, the book develops theoretical views of regimes, including Grotian perspectives and structural perspectives. In the following section, the theories are applied to specific issues in international relations, focusing on such topics as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, and on the still-enduring postwar regimes for money and security. Critique of regime analysis and limits of realism are examined at the very end.

The Legitimacy of International Regimes

This book examines the legitimacy of international regimes from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. Four theoretical and conceptual chapters illustrate the relevance and meaning of legitimacy, the impact of institutional mechanisms and non-state actors on environmental governance, or describe various methodological issues involved with the coding of 23 environmental regimes. The five empirical chapters explore whether problem-solving in international regimes is effective and equitable and whether regimes contribute that states comply with international norms, and analyse whether non-state actors can improve the output- and input-oriented legitimacy of global governance systems.

After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy

This book is a comprehensive study of cooperation among the advanced capitalist countries. It analyzes the international regimes through which cooperation has taken place in the world political economy, argues that the American hegemony has eroded as of the evolution of these regimes, and refutes that the decline of hegemony makes cooperation impossible. Part 1 introduces basic concepts such as realism, institutionalism, and cooperation, etc. Part 2 discusses theories of cooperation and international regimes. Part 3 examines the real practice of hegemony and cooperation in the world political economy. Part 4 concludes with the reflection on the value of institutions and the costs of flexibility.

Theories of New Regionalism: A Palgrave Reader

This book is a collection of essays studying theories of new regionalism. Some authors such as Hettne, Gamble and Payne, and Falk, share broad reflectivist and critical theory postulates in combination with their common focus on the construction of world orders. Some authors such as Hveem, Tussie, and Mistry, share a concern with global governance and the way the world is organized. Some authors such as Buzan and Newmann, base their research on constructivist method. Some authors such as Jessop, and Bøås, and Marchand and Shaw, share emphasis on poststructuralist theorizing.

Rethinking Regionalism

This book examines regional integration and cooperation through historical, territorial, global and comparative perspectives. Starting from tracing the origins and evolution of regionalism and overviewing the most important schools of thought in this field, the book discusses comparative regionalism, formal and informal regionalism, multidimentional regionalism. It also discusses the ways of organizing regional space, civil society actors and external actors, the solidification of regions, regions in interregionalism and in global governance. The book concludes with the argument that there is a need for global social theory that takes regional peculiarities into consideration.

A World of Regions: Asia and Europe in the American Imperium

This book argues that regions have become critical to contemporary world politics. Starting with an examination of the American Power in World Politics, the book proceeds to discuss regional orders, regional identities, porous regions, especially the changing regional dynamics of Europe and Asia, and the American imperium in a world of regions as well as the link- Germany and Japan- between regions and imperium. It provides detailed studies of technology and foreign investment, domestic and international security, and cultural diplomacy and popular culture in both the porous regions and the American imperium.

Defending the National Interest: Raw Materials Investments and U.S. Foreign Policy

This book provides empirical substance to the debate about the meaning of the national interest, the importance of bureaucratic politics, and the influence of business on American foreign policy. Fifteen case studies drawn from extensive public records and published literature on American raw materials policy in the twentieth-century are provided. By arguing that the state is an autonomous entity acting on behalf of the national interest, and that the state behavior cannot be explained by group or class interest, Krasner challenges the two dominant and rival interpretations of the relationship between state and society- liberalism and Marxism.

Interests, Institutions, and Information: Domestic Politics and International Relations

This book examines the central factors that influence the strategic game of domestic politics. It shows that it is the outcome of this internal game- not fears of other countries’ relative gains or the likelihood of cheating- that ultimately shapes how the international game is played out and therefore the extent of cooperative endeavors. The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 including chapters 2 through 4, contains the theoretical arguments. Part 2, including chapters 5 through 8, comprises the case studies, which examine democratic countries and their attempts to cooperate.

Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, Issues, and Practice

This third edition continues to provide an account of the theories, approaches, actors, issues, and practices at the heart of international development today. Part I deals with theories and approaches such as imperialism, gender, globalization, etc. Part 2 deals with actors such as state, institutions, private enterprise, civil society. A particular chapter is devoted to the discussion of China’s development. Part 3 deals with issues such as debt, democracy, climate change, information technologies, etc. Part 4 deals with practice such as global poverty reduction, social policy on inequality, humanitarian assistance, etc.

The State: Critical Concepts

This book examines concepts in the study of the state. Part 1 deals with theoretical issues such as the concept of the state, the state autonomy, wars and states, etc. Part 2 deals with comparative studies in state formation such as the origins of the state, the rise of the modern state, nations and states, revolutionary regimes, etc. Part 3 deals with the politics of economy such as state and capitalism, the question of hegemony, etc. Part 4 deals with states and political behavior such as states and social movements, states and ethnicity, American exceptionalism, etc. The book asserts that states are likely to lose their importance in the future.

United Nations Sanctions and the Rule of Law

This book traces the evolution of the Security Council’s sanctions powers and charts the contours of the UN sanctions system. It consists of 4 parts. Part 1 gives an introduction to UN sanctions. Part 2 introduces the evolution of the UN sanctions framework. Part 3 deals with practice such as establishing the legal basis for sanctions, delineating the scope of sanctions and identifying targets, fine-tuning sanctions, and delegating responsibility for sanctions administration and monitoring. Part 4 discusses the topic of strengthening the rule of law. In its appendices, this book contains summaries of all 25 UN sanctions regimes established to date by the Security Council.

South-South Cooperation and Chinese Foreign Aid

This book is a collection of 15 case studies on China’s foreign aid and economic cooperation with other developing countries, especially those in Africa. Each case introduces the general information of a China’s foreign aid project, analyzes its features and impacts, and especially focuses on analysis of the characteristics of China’s foreign aid under South-south cooperation framework. This book explores the ways China’s infrastructure investments are changing Africa, presents concrete transformations within Africa and their geopolitical implications, and articulates the ways that China can play a positive role in the world.

Innovating South-South Cooperation: Policies, Challenges, and Prospects

This book expands ideas and policy recommendations on the current and future structural elements of South-South Cooperation. It is divided into 2 parts. Part 1 revolves around South-South Cooperation policy and programs, including fulfilling the promise of South-South Cooperation, South-South Cooperation blocs and influence in development assistance, triangular cooperation, and fragile-to-fragile cooperation. Part 2 includes 7 case studies from China, Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, and Turkey. The book shows that South-South Cooperation has grown in significance, shifted development from more top-down approaches, and created opportunities for socio-economic growth, especially in emerging economies.

Moral Vision in International Politics: The Foreign Aid Regime, 1949-1989

This book argues that foreign aid cannot be explained on the basis of the economic and political interests of the donor countries alone, but rather the influence of crucial moral principles such as humanitarian and egalitarian convictions upon aid donors. While Part 1 makes the argument, Part 2 gives evidence in many lines- how aid changed over time, which donors contributed heavily, where the money was spent, who supported aid efforts, which converge to show how humanitarian concerns shaped aid. The book concludes that moral factors can change the way states behave, affect international relations, and reshaping the world order.

Economic Sanctions as Instruments of American Foreign Policy

This book examines how economic sanctions can and cannot be used effectively to further U.S. foreign interests. It demonstrates the Import Substitution Industrialization effects in a large sample of cases, and demonstrates how sanctions fueled the rise of a powerful criminal elite in Yugoslavia who sponsored extreme nationalist political figures and how sanctions were twisted to Saddam Hussein’s personal benefit in Iraq. In the concluding chapter, the book suggests that positive sanctions, rather than negative sanctions alone, can be taken into consideration, and the effect that sanctions can have on third parties also worth attention.

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