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PED1001 Physical Education: Home

Course Description

PE and health primarily teaches sports skills, health fitness theories, and emphasizes developing students’ generic skills such as creative, communication, team collaboration, and so on.  In the 2nd term, the course of fitness and health aims: (i) to improve students’ interest in sports; (ii) to promote students’ sports skills and exercise abilities; (iii) to cultivate students’ exercise habits and to enhance awareness of active lifestyle in lifespan; (iv) to grasp physical fitness prescriptions.

Recommended Books


本书介绍了有关体适能这一概念相关的基础理论。体适能从英文physical fitness翻译而来,流行在港澳台地区,在内地也译成体能或体质,是身体适应外界环境能力的简称。除简单介绍了体适能的定义、类别范畴、发展趋势等,本书还探讨了有关身心健康、基础运动科学、运动生理学、心肺耐力适能、肌肉适能、身体成分与体重控制、柔韧性及伸展运动、压力及处理方法、体适能测试与评估、运动安全守则及一般急救常识等各个主题的知识。



ACSM's Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription

This manual is composed by the American College of Sports Medicine. It begins with a preliminary section that introduces background materials such as functional anatomy, biomechanics, exercise physiology, and nutrition. The following part of the book is divided into 5 sections. Section 1 discusses health appraisal, risk assessment, and safety of exercise. Section 2 focuses on exercise testing, including the preparation for testing, different types of testing, and testing procedures. While Section 3 presents exercise prescription for healthy populations, Section 4 presents exercise prescription for clinical populations. Section 5 focuses on behavior change, including its theoretical foundations, its principles, delivering methods, etc.





101 Team Handball: Techniques, Tactics and Drills

The book covers the fundamental skills that every player needs to master in order to play handball successfully. The 101 drills focus on all these skills and present helpful coaching points to avoid common mistakes. The major theme of the book is the technical and tactical aspects of the game for both defence and attack, including handling the ball, dribbling the ball, passing and catching, blocking, and shooting. A chapter is dedicated to the goalkeeper and their training. A general overview of the game in terms of history, rules to play the game and the referee’s signals are also found in this book.



Rock Climbing Technique Equipment Safety: with an Introduction to Indoor Climbing

This book is devoted exclusively to the basics of rock climbing. The first section covers the necessary basic knowledge required for climbing, including climbing techniques such as backstep and frogging, protection and belay techniques, creating belay stands, and rappelling. Then the book introduces climbing of multiple rope lengths- also called multi-pitch -and important subjects such as falling and bailing out from climbs. Subjects that are too complicated for the beginner lead climber are excluded from this book, for example, Alpine climbing and solo climbing. It is strongly recommended to attend a course on lead climbing together with using this book.

Learning to Climb Indoors

This is an instruction book about rock climbing indoors. Chapter 1 overviews the commercial climbing gym experience. Chapter 2 and 3 introduce the basic gear and safety techniques. Chapter 4 reveals strategies for rapid learning of climbing skills. Chapter 5 through 7 are the core technical instruction. Chapter 8 is an in-depth look at mental training and fear management. Chapter 9 provides a plan for physical conditioning. Chapter 10 provides authoritative instruction on the emerging specialty of training youth climbers. Chapter 11 reveals a few secrets for climbing your best.

Badminton: Steps to Success

This is a book on badminton skills learning. The learning process is divides into 11 steps- racket handling and footwork, serve, forehand and backhand overhead, clear, drop shot, smash, drive, advanced techniques, tactics and strategies, double play, conditioning. The 11 steps in this book allow the readers to move from basic skills into game-like situation. There are more than 100 drills in this book to help readers improve your skill, practice effectively, and record your progress. Suggested ways to increase or decrease the difficulty of the drills enable the readers to self-pace your progress to match your ability level.

Fitness and Health

This book focuses on how people can bring about changes in important health behaviors and change their life. Part One conveys the importance of regular, moderate physical activity. Part Two focuses on the psychology of behavior and how people can change behavior. Part Three deals with aerobic and muscular fitness and the underlying physiology. Part Four presents proven ways to achieve aerobic and muscular fitness. Part Five presents new information in the areas of nutrition and weight control. Part Six shows how to improve performance in sport and work and how to cope with the environment.



Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training

This book provides a simple, logical, and practical approach to strength training. The mechanical basis of barbell training is concisely and logically explained. All new photographs and improved illustrations of all the lifts, and the biomechanics behind them are included, alongside complete, easy-to-follow instructions for performing the basic barbell exercises: the squat, press, deadlift, bench press, power clean, and the power snatch. Revised instruction methods for all six lifts are also provided, proven effective in four years of seminar, military, and group instruction. This book is a complete guideto developing strength- the foundation of athletic performance and the key to long-term health.

Soccer Anatomy

This book is about supplemental strength training for soccer. It shows how to elevate your game by increasing strength, speed, and agility for more accurate passes and powerful shots. There are 79 exercises in this book, each with step-by stop descriptions and full-color anatomical illustrations highlighting muscles in action. Illustrations of the active muscles involved in kicking, heading, tackling, and diving show how each exercise is fundamentally linked to soccer performance. Readers will lean how to modify exercises to target specific areas based on style of play, personal needs, and goals.

Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics

This book chronicles the evolution of soccer tactics and the lives of the itinerant coaching geniuses. Beginning with the earliest days of soccer, Wilson charts first the adoption of rules, then tactics, and the evolution of tactics, with profiles and mentions of the geniuses and dunderheads who stamped their marks on the game. Readers will learn how the South Americans shrugged off the British colonial order to add their own finesse to the game; how the Europeans harnessed individual technique and built it into a team structure; how the game once featured five forwards up front, while now a lone striker is not uncommon.

The Ball Is Round: A Global History of Soccer

This book illuminates soccer’s role in the political and social histories of modern societies. The book is divided into five chronological periods that are further organized by region. The first two parts cover football's development from prehistory to the early twentieth century, emphasizing the key role that empire and industrialization played in spreading the game. Part three contains five chapters that cover mid-twentieth-century Latin America, Africa, and Europe. Parts four and five describe the transformations in global football that have occurred since 1974 while also giving more attention to Asia's role in football.

Ultimate Glory: Frisbee, Obsession, and My Wild Youth

In this book, David Gessner shares the field of Ultimate Frisbee and his seemingly insane obsession with a case of closely knit, larger-than-life characters. Like his teammates and rivals, he trained for countless hours, sacrificing his body and potential career for a chance at fleeting glory without fortune or fame. As his sport grows up, so does he, and eventually he gives up chasing flying discs to pursue a career as a writer. But he never forgets his love for this misunderstood sport and the rare sense of purpose he attained as a member of its priesthood.

Basketball: Steps to Success

In this book, Wissel covers the entire progression of technical and tactical development needed to become a complete basketball player. With 12 steps total, this guide details the skills and tactics needed to excel in today’s game, including footwork, passing and catching, dribbling, shooting, shooting off the catch, creating your shot off the dribble, scoring in the post, rebounding, fast break, two- and three-man plays, team offense, and team defense. Each of the 12 steps in this book takes the reader to the next level of playing skill. The reader of the book will start from fundamental skills and progress to connect skills.

A Guide to the Literature of Tennis

This guidebook lists and evaluates more than 950 English-language books and over 150 tennis films and videotapes, covering entire spectrum of tennis subjects. After a historical overview and the examination of a history of championship players and performances, the book begins to review rules and administration; equipment, facilities and travel; general techniques; techniques for various skill levels and specific groups; players and teaching professionals instruct; health and fitness; psychological aspects; biography; children’s books; humor; films; general works, general and specific periodicals, and promotional organizations. The book holds a promising tone regarding the growing literature of tennis.





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