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GEB2103 Food Safety: Home

Course Description

During the past decades, food safety becomes a hot topic in China and attracts wide public concerns. Frequent food safety incidents made the public be anxious about the food, distrust the authorities and dislike the modern food techniques. This course is designed to help students understand the overview of food safety, develop critical thinking in food safety and make informed decision. Student will learn the major categories of food safety risks, the principles adopted by authorities to analyze food safety risk, the management system acknowledged by the industry and some techniques used in production. Many cases will also be dissected for applying the knowledge and principle to daily life.

Recommended Books

Food Safety Risk Analysis: A Guide for National Food Safety Authorities

This Guidebook is developed by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization to improve food safety regulators’ understanding and use of risk analysis in national food safety frameworks. The primary audience is food safety officials at the national government level. The emphasis throughout is on what food safety officials need to know in order to oversee and manage the risk analysis process. This Guidebook introduces principles and mechanisms for the three basic components of risk analysis- risk management, risk assessment, and risk communication- in succeeding chapters.

Food Microbiology

This book is directed primarily at students of Microbiology, Food Science and related subjects up to Master’s level and assumes some knowledge of basic microbiology. Each chapter deals with an important topic in this field of study, including the scope of food microbiology, micro-organisms and food materials, factors affecting the growth and survival of micro-organisms in foods, the microbiology of food preservation, microbiology of primary food commodities, food microbiology and public health, bacterial agents of foodborne illness, non-bacterial agents of foodborne illness, fermented and microbial foods, methods for the microbiological examination of foods, controlling the microbiological quality of foods. Suggestions for further reading are included in the last chapter.

Food Processing Technology: Principles and Practice

This book introduces a range of processing techniques that are used in food manufacturing, explains the key principles of each process, including the equipment used and the effects of processing on micro-organisms that contaminate foods, and describes post-processing operations, including packaging and distribution logistics. This third edition extended to describe advances in microprocessor control of equipment, ‘minimal’ processing technologies, functional foods, developments in ‘active’ or ‘intelligent’ packaging, and storage and distribution logistics. Developments in technologies that relate to cost savings, environmental improvement or enhanced product quality are highlighted. The impact of processing on foodborne micro-organisms is included for the first time.

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