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PSY5220 Psychology of Leadership and Decision Making: Home

Course Description

This course provides an overview of the research development and findings in the studies of behavioral decision-making and leadership. Discussion topics include decision theories, psychological values, utility functions, risk perception and risk management, leadership measurement of traits and abilities, major theories of leadership including the theories of leader-member exchange, charismatic, transformational, and adaptive leadership. An emphasis is placed on applying the findings of decision-making and leadership research in organization management.

Recommended Books

Judgment and Decision Making: Psychological Perspectives

This book begins with a discussion of the nature of rationality. Then it introduces a conceptual framework for thinking about predictive or diagnostic judgments; two important heuristics proposed in the early 1970s- representativeness and availability; the anchoring-and-adjustment heuristic and hindsight bias; the notion of an argument as a formal structure; judgments of association, causation, and counterfactual thinking; the topic of decision making under risk and uncertainty; the psychology of preference and choice; the topic of confidence and optimism in judgment and decision making; dynamic decision making and everyday decision making; the topic of risk; decision making in groups and teams; cooperation and coordination in human behavior; approach to human thought.

Leadership: Theory and Practice

This book provides both presentation of leadership theory and discussion of how it applies to real-life situations. Topics covered include trait approach, skills approach, behavioral approach, situational approach, path-goal theory, leader-member exchange theory, transformational leadership, authentic leadership, servant leadership, adaptive leadership, followership, leadership ethics, team leadership, gender and leadership, culture and leadership. Each chapter provides a description of the leadership approach and a discussion of research studies applicable to the approach, evaluates the approach by highlighting its strengths and criticisms, uses case studies to discuss the application of the approach in ongoing organizations, and provides a leadership questionnaire.

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