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TRA5403 Practicum 2: Home

Course Description

This course offers a simulated conference environment for the students to work in teams and do role-play under the guidance of instructors. They will take up the roles of speakers, panelists, interpreters, or active audience by participating in Q & A sessions. Students will be assigned these roles and will learn to make detailed preparation for the speeches ahead of time. They will have the opportunity to inform themselves on subjects that are hitherto unfamiliar. They will also learn how proper preparation will enable them to perform the SI tasks required with satisfaction. Whenever applicable, students will be brought to conference sites for guided practice and hands-on experience in SI.

Recommended Books

Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training

The target audience of this book is the practitioners and instructors of conference interpreting and/or translation. Gile argues that professional translation entails students’ understanding of the theoretical approach that translation serves for communication between the initiator and the receptor. He points out that adding or deleting words and reframing sentences do not necessarily violate the principle of fidelity, and that translation must be conducted with discourse comprehension. Gile offers a number of models for simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, sight translation, and simultaneous with texts, including a sequential model, the effort model of simultaneous interpreting, and the IDRC model (Interpretation-Decision-Resources-Constraints).

Communication Strategies: Psycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Perspectives

This book examines the topic of communication strategies, the ways in which people seek to express themselves or understand what someone else is saying or writing. Studies adopting a psycholinguistic perspective are well represented and updated. Other chapters re-examine communication strategies from a sociolinguistic perspective, exploring the strategies non-native speakers and their conversational partners use to create shared meanings in ongoing discourse. These studies reveal how communication strategies can serve to construct participants' identities and social relationships. The book incorporates a number of chapters which cover strategy-like behavior in other related areas, such as language pathology, child bilingualism, normal native adult interaction, and mother tongue education.

From Paris to Nuremberg: The Birth of Conference Interpreting

This book describes the origins and distinctive features of conference interpreting. The book is divided into five chapters, plus some brief conclusions. Chapter 1 is devoted to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, which is the starting point of conference interpreting in Baigorri-Jalón’s view. Chapter 2 covers conference interpreting in international organizations in the twenties and thirties. Chapter 3 shows how the interwar period was also the proving ground for simultaneous. Chapter 4 deals with the interpreters of the dictators. Chapter 5 is devoted to interpreting at the Nuremberg Trials.

Conference Interpreting Explained

This book unravels the process of conference interpreting in a descriptive manner. There are 5 chapters in this book. Chapter 1 gives answers of some basic questions such as what is an interpreter, what is conference interpreting, what is consecutive interpreting, and what is simultaneous interpreting, etc. Chapter 2 presents the basic principles of consecutive interpreting- understanding, analyzing, and re-expressing. Chapter 3 expands on note-taking in consecutive interpreting. Chapter 4 mainly focus on simultaneous interpreting, especially the technique of simultaneous interpreting. In Chapter 5, Jones expresses his pleasure with interpreting.


第三版共收录单字条目和多字条目24万条,均按汉语拼音字母顺序排列,总字数达1600万。本版增收了新词新义1.5万余条,如八荣八耻eight Does and eight Don’ts。本版还修改、增补了附录8个,如汉语拼音方案、计量单位表、化学元素表等。还调整修订了体例说明、查字表等内容,其中部首查字表、笔画查字表是按照中华人民共和国教育部和国家语言文字工作委员会2009年发布并实施的《汉字部首归部规范》及《汉字部首表》重新严格排定的。

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