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TRA5513 Simultaneous Interpreting for Contemporary Issues: Home

Course Description

The world we live in is becoming increasingly inter-connected, which makes the role of interpreters more important. Therefore, a thorough understanding and a broad knowledge base of contemporary issues enable the interpreter to develop better comprehension that helps to ease the task of SI with greater clarity and effectiveness. This course is designed to enhance students’ awareness and their knowledge of the intricacies accompanying contemporary issues as well as techniques involved in simultaneous interpreting so as to enable them to operate properly at multi-lateral and global arenas over the course of interpreting.

Recommended Books

Introducing Interpreting Studies

This textbook is designed to provide students, instructors, researchers, and practitioners with an overview of interpreting studies. This book consists of ten chapters organized into three parts. Chapters 1 to 5 make up the synthetic representation of interpreting studies in terms of concepts, developments, approaches, paradigms and models. Chapters 6 to 9 are devoted to an analytical presentation of the state of the art. Chapter 10, the only chapter that constitutes Part 3, reviews the major trends and future perspectives of interpreting studies as a field of research, and offers further suggestions for individual researchers.

Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training

The target audience of this book is the practitioners and instructors of conference interpreting and/or translation. Gile argues that professional translation entails students’ understanding of the theoretical approach that translation serves for communication between the initiator and the receptor. He points out that adding or deleting words and reframing sentences do not necessarily violate the principle of fidelity, and that translation must be conducted with discourse comprehension. Gile offers a number of models for simultaneous interpreting, consecutive interpreting, sight translation, and simultaneous with texts, including a sequential model, the effort model of simultaneous interpreting, and the IDRC model (Interpretation-Decision-Resources-Constraints).

Cognitive Processes in Translation and Interpreting

This book collects 12 essays written by participants at the seventh Kent Psychology Forum, a forum sponsored annually by the Applied Psychology Center at Kent State University. The authors apply concepts and methods of cognitive science to translation, focusing on the relationship between translation theory, research and practice. They try to answer questions such as the unique characteristics of translation and interpreting relative to monolingual languaging processes, the relationship between bilingual language processing and translation/interpreting skill, the important cognitive parameters of the translation and interpreting tasks, methods and models used to investigate the cognitive processes of translation and interpreting.

Conference Interpreting Explained

This book unravels the process of conference interpreting in a descriptive manner. There are 5 chapters in this book. Chapter 1 gives answers of some basic questions such as what is an interpreter, what is conference interpreting, what is consecutive interpreting, and what is simultaneous interpreting, etc. Chapter 2 presents the basic principles of consecutive interpreting- understanding, analyzing, and re-expressing. Chapter 3 expands on note-taking in consecutive interpreting. Chapter 4 mainly focus on simultaneous interpreting, especially the technique of simultaneous interpreting. In Chapter 5, Jones expresses his pleasure with interpreting.

Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications

This book is designed as a coursebook for undergraduates and postgraduates in translation studies as well as an introductory book for students, researchers, instructors, and professional translators. There are altogether 12 chapters, covering Jakobson’s classification of translation, the Holmes/Toury conceptual map, the “literal vs. free” translation debate, Eugene Nida’s concepts of equivalence, Newmark’s categories of translation, Koller’s analysis of equivalence, Vinay and Darbelnet’s taxonomy, Catford’s linguistic model, the interpretive model of the Paris School, Bell’s psycholinguistic model, Gutt’s relevance theory, Reiss and Vermeer’s text-type and skopos theory, Nord’s text-linguistic approach, House’s register analysis model, Baker, Hatim and Mason’s discourse-oriented approaches, etc.

The Translation Studies Reader

This reader aims at the audience group of advanced undergraduates, postgraduates, course instructors, and scholars in translation theory and history, as well as practitioners with a theoretical inclination. The reader is divided into 7 sections in a chronological order. While the first section Foundational Statements examines theories before the 1900s, the last section after the 2000s, all the other five sections in the middle looks into theories in the 1900s. Venuti suggests that readers not only read historically, but also thematically. Readers can group together theories with the same themes. Venuti also suggests that readers can use supplementary readings, and further readings are recommended in each section.


第三版共收录单字条目和多字条目24万条,均按汉语拼音字母顺序排列,总字数达1600万。本版增收了新词新义1.5万余条,如八荣八耻eight Does and eight Don’ts。本版还修改、增补了附录8个,如汉语拼音方案、计量单位表、化学元素表等。还调整修订了体例说明、查字表等内容,其中部首查字表、笔画查字表是按照中华人民共和国教育部和国家语言文字工作委员会2009年发布并实施的《汉字部首归部规范》及《汉字部首表》重新严格排定的。

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