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To truly understand game design is to understand an incredibly complex web of creativity, psychology, art, technology, and business. This course is designed to introduce the basics of a broad artistic and conceptual understanding of interactive narrative in video games. Students are encouraged to set aside their preconceptions about video games, so that they can approach this subject with an open mind.
This book provides instruction on how to create better game design. This second edition presents 112 sets of questions, or different lenses, for viewing a game’s design, encompassing diverse fields such as psychology, architecture, music, visual design, film, software engineering, theme park design, mathematics, puzzle design, and anthropology. It describes the principles of game design, and demonstrates how tactics used in various kinds of games. While chapter One begins with the element- the designer, successive chapters add other elements, gradually building up the system of relationships between designer, player, game, team, and client.
This book is written by a video game designer who shares his years of knowledge and experience on how to make video games great, including creating what gamers want, bringing compelling and playable characters to life, building game levels that tell stories and challenge players, designing everything from touch controls to cutscenes to combat, structuring game documents for success, and pitching game like the professionals. This book is written with all levels of game designers in mind, not only a working video games professional, but also future video game designers, students of video game design, and anyone who loves video games.
This book provides a detailed introduction to the topic how to survive from the zombie, including how to recognize zombie, how to choose the right weapons, killing techniques, preparation and improvisation when on the defense, on the run, or on the attack. This book also discusses the possibility of a doomsday scenario, in which the living dead have replaced humanity as the planet’s dominant species. Read through the book, and you will get full background knowledge of the zombie-theme video games, which may be of great help to the design of this type of video games.
This book brings ideas about how the visual composition of images works to engage the emotions as well as how the elements of an artwork can give it the power to tell a story. Using construction paper shapes as stand-ins for narrative elements in "Little Red Riding Hood," she explains how changes in size, color, and placement affect observers' emotions. Principles are all presented with illustrated examples. Bang also discusses the portrayal of feelings ranging from fury to contentment, and she insists that instinct plays an indispensable role to the artist when making one’s own illustrations.