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This course focuses on the political economy of international trade and not regards it as a pure business field. It first surveys the evolution of the international trade theories, from traditional to the contemporary ones. Secondly, it looks at the development of the international trade regimes, from the anarchy to multilateral system (GATT and WTO). It will pay special attention to the rule, function and role of World Trade Organization. Due to the crisis of the multilateral regimes, the course will also discuss the different bi-lateral and regional trade arrangement and their relationship with the global free trade system. Thirdly, as part of the Global Political Economy, the course will it will focus on the interaction between domestic politics and foreign trade. Finally it will discuss some of the hot issues related to the international trade, such as Sino-US trade war, migration, environment, and development, etc.
This book views the politics of international trade from a wide variety of angles. The 27 chapters are organized into 6 parts. Part 1 provides an overview of historical, theoretical, and methodological developments in the study of trade. Parts 2 through 5 consider a particular set of actors in international trade. Part 2 begins by looking at domestic society. Part 3 turns to firms as the unit of analysis. Part 4 concentrates on domestic political institutions. Part 5 jumps to the international level of analysis. Part 6 examines the issue linkage between trade policy and other policy areas, such as national security, human rights, and capital flows.
This book focuses on the powerful economic, political, and technological forces that have shaped the world economy and political system. The developments of new emergence such as the end of the Cold War, the rise of new regionalisms, and technological developments including computing power, are all considered. Particular attention is given to economic globalization, its real and alleged implications for economic affairs, and the degree to which its nature, extent, and significance have been exaggerated and misunderstood. Moreover, it demonstrates that national policies and domestic economies remain the most critical determinants of economic affairs. The book also stresses the importance of economic regionalism, multinational corporations, and financial upheavals.
This book is a collection of readings that chart the historical and theoretical evolution of the field of international political economy from the seventeenth century to the present day. Bringing together classic works and leading contemporary arguments, this book outlines International Political Economy’s three dominant traditions of liberalism, economic nationalism, and Marxism, while also including theoretical perspectives beyond the dominant traditions such as mercantilism, poststructuralism, feminism, etc. This third edition not only retains by also increases the number of classic works from the previous editions while also updating the reader with contemporary writings.
This book is a comprehensive study of cooperation among the advanced capitalist countries. It analyzes the international regimes through which cooperation has taken place in the world political economy, argues that the American hegemony has eroded as of the evolution of these regimes, and refutes that the decline of hegemony makes cooperation impossible. Part 1 introduces basic concepts such as realism, institutionalism, and cooperation, etc. Part 2 discusses theories of cooperation and international regimes. Part 3 examines the real practice of hegemony and cooperation in the world political economy. Part 4 concludes with the reflection on the value of institutions and the costs of flexibility.
This book surveys major interests and institutions and examines how state and non-state actors pursue wealth and power. After introducing the concept of international political economy, the book elaborates on WTO and the World Trade System, as well as the political economy of international trade cooperation. Both the society-centered approach and the state-centered approach to both trade politics, and monetary and exchange-rate policies are examined. Trade and development, multinational corporations, the international monetary system, developing countries and international finance, and the achievements of and challenge to the global capitalist economy, are also discussed.
This book is a collection of essays studying theories of new regionalism. Some authors such as Hettne, Gamble and Payne, and Falk, share broad reflectivist and critical theory postulates in combination with their common focus on the construction of world orders. Some authors such as Hveem, Tussie, and Mistry, share a concern with global governance and the way the world is organized. Some authors such as Buzan and Newmann, base their research on constructivist method. Some authors such as Jessop, and Bøås, and Marchand and Shaw, share emphasis on poststructuralist theorizing.
This book examines regional integration and cooperation through historical, territorial, global and comparative perspectives. Starting from tracing the origins and evolution of regionalism and overviewing the most important schools of thought in this field, the book discusses comparative regionalism, formal and informal regionalism, multidimentional regionalism. It also discusses the ways of organizing regional space, civil society actors and external actors, the solidification of regions, regions in interregionalism and in global governance. The book concludes with the argument that there is a need for global social theory that takes regional peculiarities into consideration.
This book argues that regions have become critical to contemporary world politics. Starting with an examination of the American Power in World Politics, the book proceeds to discuss regional orders, regional identities, porous regions, especially the changing regional dynamics of Europe and Asia, and the American imperium in a world of regions as well as the link- Germany and Japan- between regions and imperium. It provides detailed studies of technology and foreign investment, domestic and international security, and cultural diplomacy and popular culture in both the porous regions and the American imperium.