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该书将中国哲学史分成子学时代与经学时代,以此全书分为上下册。子学时代主要讲先秦诸子,包括孔子,墨子,孟子,战国百家的杨朱、陈仲子、许行、陈相、告子、尹文、宋牼、彭蒙、田骈、慎到、驺衍等,老子,惠施及公孙龙等,庄子,后期墨家,荀子,韩非,秦汉儒家,《易传》及《淮南鸿烈》,儒家六艺论等等。经学时代主要是从董仲舒,历经扬雄与王充,玄学,佛学,道学,周濂溪与邵康节,张横渠及二程,朱熹, 陆象山与王阳明,到康有为、谭嗣同。







The World of Thought in Ancient China

This work is an intellectual history of the Chinese from the late neolithic to the early Han, discussing from pre-Zhou and early Zhou thought, through Confucius, Mozi, Daoism, Mencius and Xunzi, Legalism, to the Yin Yang School and the Five Classics. Schwartz argues that this period is crucial to the understanding of the entire subsequent history of China. He looks at the surviving texts of this period with a particular focus on the range of diversity to be found in them. While emphasizing the problematic and complex nature of this thought, he also considers views which stress the unity of Chinese culture.

The Hellenistic Philosophers

This work is a collection and discussion of the primary sources for Hellenistic philosophy. The schools being studied includes the early Pyrrhonism, Epicureanism, Stoicism, the academics, and the Pyrrhonist revival, which dominated philosophy in the three centuries after the death of Aristotle in 322 B.C. While Volume One collects English translations of the primary sources with philosophical commentary, Volume Two presents the same texts as are translated in Volume One in its original Greek and Latin texts, together with critical apparatus, information on their original contexts, supplementary commentary on technical matters and points of detail, and some additional texts.

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