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This course examines brain-behavior relationships in terms of how the brain and nervous system produce the human range of feelings and behaviors: sensation, emotion, sleep and dreams, reproductive behavior, language, and cognition. Topics include anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, structures and functions of the brain, genetic influences on behavior, and the biological bases of emotions.
This thirteenth edition gives a comprehensive and illustrative introduction to biological psychology. It also incorporates the latest research in this field, including significant coverage of neuroscience and neuropsychology. Topics covered include nerve cells and nerve impulses; synapses; anatomy and research methods; genetics, evolution, development, and plasticity; vision; other sensory systems; movement; wakefulness and sleep; internal regulation; reproductive behaviors; emotional behaviors; learning, memory, and intelligence; cognitive functions; psychological disorders; etc. Each chapter is divided into modules that begin with an introduction and end with a summary, a list of key terms, and some review questions.