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This course is a financial accounting course at the intermediate level. It is a continuation of the foundation accounting course with in-depth coverage of theoretical concepts and financial statements. It continues with the conceptual framework of financial reporting, revenue recognition, investment property, property, plant and equipment, Equity, Earning per share; Leases; Accounting for Income Taxes; Pensions and Other Postretirement Benefits; Accounting Changes and Error Corrections under IFRS.
本课程是中级财务会计系列两门课程中的一门课程。它是基础会计课程的延续,深入涵盖了理论概念和财务报表。它延续了财务报告的概念框架,重点强调了负债和权益方面的概念和理论。主题包括财务报表的列报和披露;流动和非流动负债;資本;每股收益;租赁;所得税会计;养老金和其他退休后福利; IFRS 下的会计变更和错误更正。