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ACT4111: Advanced Financial Accounting (高级财务会计): Home

Course Description

This course is a continuation of intermediate financial accounting and deals with more advanced aspects of financial reporting. It assumes knowledge acquired in previous financial accounting courses and thereby focuses on the exploration of the core technical capabilities to prepare and analyse financial reports for combined entities and on the understanding of the group reporting requirements as well as the rationales behind various accounting principles and standards relating to group reporting. It attempts to investigate issues relating to group reporting and therefore includes topics like business combinations, consolidations financial statements, intragroup transactions and foreign currency translations. Special problems in the consolidation of corporate financial statements will also be covered in the course.


Recommended Books

Advanced Accounting

Building upon previous editions of Advanced Accounting, author Debra C. Jeter continues to deliver a balanced and detailed approach to the conceptual and technical aspects of advanced accounting. This new and enhanced edition features more in-depth information about international accounting, the upcoming globalisation of accounting standards, changes with FASBs, and the latest developments and differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS. As always, the text includes comprehensive coverage of all three methods of consolidated financial reporting (cost, partial equity, and total equity).

Applying IFRS standards

The fourth edition of Applying IFRS Standards explains the core principles of International Financial Reporting (IFRS) Standards. It also addresses the skills needed to apply the standards in business environments. The book begins with an overview of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and how it establishes accounting standards. The general book topics are then covered in detail and include: income taxes, financial instruments, fair value measurement, property, inventories, employee benefits and more. Discussion questions, exercises and references are provided throughout the book.

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the financial reporting requirements for different business combinations and business group structures under the international accounting context.
  • Apply appropriate accounting procedures to consolidate group accounts.
  • Understand accounting issues globally, mainly to incorporate overseas operations in financial reporting.
  • Apply the acquired accounting and financial reporting knowledge in particular group reporting issues in business decisions.
  • Demonstrate practical written communication skills with precise business language.