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ACT4213: Financial Statement Analysis (财务报表分析): Home

Course Description

This course is about analysing financial information for purposes like making decisions to invest in businesses. The focus is on developing the skills required to interpret the information contained in financial statements and its use in decision-making rather than on the skills needed to prepare financial statements. The fundamental analysis methods will be detailed and applied in cases and projects involving listed companies. Topics include models of shareholder value, a comparison of accrual accounting and discounted cash flow approaches to valuation, the analysis of profitability, growth and valuation generation in a firm, cash flows analysis, corporate governance, and risk analysis.


Recommended Books

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation

Valuation is at the heart of investing. A considerable part of the information for valuation is in the financial statements. "Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation, 5/e" by Stephen Penman shows students how to extract information from financial statements and use that data to value firms. The 5th edition shows how to handle the accounting in financial statements and use the financial statements as a lens to view a business and assess the value it generates.

Investment valuation tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset

The book provides investment professionals and students with a comprehensive introduction to the range of valuation models available and how to choose the suitable model for any given asset valuation situation. It includes an extensive range of valuation techniques for natural options, start-ups, unconventional assets, distressed companies, private equity, and real estate.

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamental values of firms and how they are estimated.
  • Understand the structures of and connections between the financial statements and the meanings of ratios such as P/E ratio.
  • Understand the relevance of cash flows, dividends, earnings, and book values.
  • Understand how profitability and capital structure tie into the valuation.
  • Analyse real firms’ financial statements thoroughly and predict firm performances.
  • Understand the link between firm value and business strategies, and corporate governance
  • Understand corporate growth, analyse and value growth firms.