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GEB2404/PHI2404 Logic: Home

Course Description

This course is an introduction to logic and its applications with the objective to develop students’ reasoning ability to analyze and evaluate arguments. It will provide students with a basic understanding of concepts such as definitions, arguments, validity, fallacies, deductive and inductive inferences etc. Classical logic and basic set theory will also be studied.

Recommended Books

A Concise Introduction to Logic

This is a textbook designed for classroom in which students have little knowledge of logic. There are 14 chapters divided into 3 parts, and the material in each chapter is arranged so that certain later sections can be skipped without affecting subsequent chapters. Part 1 introduces informal logic. Besides, the meaning and definition of language is presented, and informal fallacies are discussed. Part 2 introduces informal logic from the following perspectives: categorical propositions, categorical syllogisms, propositional logic, natural deduction in propositional logic, and predicate logic. Part 3 focus on inductive logic.

Introduction to Logic

This 14th edition retains the essential structure and substance of previous editions. There are three parts altogether, covering basic concepts of logic, the difficulties encountered in everyday uses of language, the different functions of language, the nature and functions of definitions in ordinary discourse, and the many informal fallacies commonly encountered; the methods of deductive reasoning; the techniques of inductive logic. Before Part One appears a short history of logic. Brief biographies of a number of the great logicians have been included throughout the chapters. After Part Three, an appendix that describes the practical applications of logic to the taking of admissions tests.

An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Creativity: Think More, Think Better

This textbook can be used as a course text or a self-contained study guide. Lau emphasizes the equal importance of critical and creative thinking. This book starts from critical thinking, and come back to creativity near the end. Aside from theoretical knowledge required for good critical thinking, Lau also emphasizes the importance of attitudes and practice for good thinking. He summarizes a fourfold method path to good thinking and four positive attitudes conducive to good thinking. Findings in cognitive science and psychology, such as cognitive biases in reasoning and decision making, are discussed, and issues of decision making and moral reasoning are also included.

Introduction to Logic

This textbook is written for not only classroom but also fully online student and the independent learner. There are 35 chapters divided into 6 units, discussing the fundamental concepts of logic, categorical logic, truth-functional logic, predicate logic, informal and inductive logic, and modal logic. An integrated history track runs from the beginning to the end of the book, and logical theory unfolds historically. There are also 4 appendices at the end of the book, and these nontechnical appendices mainly focus on logic and computing, as well as the applications of logic to real-world issues within the text. In addition, interspersed throughout the text are summaries of many classic philosophical arguments.

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