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TRA2530 Writing Skills and Translation: Home

Course Description

In this course students will sharpen their Chinese-English translation skills and improve their English writing ability, paying particular attention to grammar, syntax, word choice, and structure. Students will further derive a deeper appreciation for the inherent complexities of translating into English through discussion of practical strategies; analysis of real-world texts; and above all extensive practice and personalized feedback.

Recommended Books

The Elements of Style

This book sets forth eleven rules of usage, eleven principles of composition, a few matters of form, and a list of commonly misused words and expressions. The rules and principles are in the form of sharp commands such as “do not join independent clauses with a comma”, “do not break sentences in two”, and “use the active voice”, and each rule or principle is followed by a short hortatory essay. A chapter “An Approach to Style” is added by White to this edition to set forth notions of error and articles of faith. Example sentences show proper and improper usage.

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