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TRA5112 Translation of Legal Texts: Home

Course Description

This course aims to introduce students to the practice of legal translation. Through translating different types of legal texts between Chinese and English, including contracts, statutes and cases, students would be able to get familiarized with some legal terminology and expressions, and the style of legal language in general.

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该词典编入了近5万词条,内容涵盖了法学的各领域,但对国际金融贸易类又有所侧重,同时吸收了大量新词汇和一般法律词典没有吸收的词汇,如法律文献中经常使用的拉丁语词汇。本词典具有从汉语检索相应英语词条的功能。此外,本词典还附有6个实用性较强的附录——“中国国家机关英文名称一览”、“中国法院系统组织结构”、“INCOTERMS 2000”、“WTO组织结构”、“世界贸易组织法律文本”、“中国加入世界贸易组织法律文件”。



Chinese Law: A Language Perspective

This book presents a study of Chinese law from a language perspective. It presents sayings and stories from classical works related to law from pre-imperial China, examines the keyword fazhi, and discusses the illocutionary forces of Chinese legislative speech acts as found in Chinese statutes today. Moreover, it presents an evolutionary view of another keyword, rights, in Chinese culture, discusses some of the peculiar grammatical and syntactical features of the Chinese language found in Chinese legal texts, analyzes the Chinese Constitution as a speech act, provides an overview of the lawmaking powers and procedures of the National People’s Congress, and investigates cross-cultural translation between Chinese and English in relation to law.

Translating Law

This book explores the linguistic and legal aspects of translating law, and examines the interpretive interaction between various languages and legal cultures. It adopts an interdisciplinary approach combining linguistic and legal theories with translation practice. The first part of the book presents the theoretical aspects related to legal translation, such as the nature of legal language, the relationships between law and language and their implications for legal translation, and the perennial question of equivalence and the possibility and impossibility of legal translation. The second part is practice-oriented, focusing on the practical aspects of legal translation, particularly the different types of legal texts.

Legal Translation and Bilingual Law Drafting in Hong Kong: Challenges and Interactions in Chinese Regions

This book presents the activities of legal translation and bilingual law drafting in the bilingual international city of Hong Kong. Beginning with an overview of the translation of Western and international laws into Chinese in recent decades, the book investigates Hong Kong’s translation of common law into Chinese and bilingual law drafting from a language perspective, illustrates the legal challenges in translating foreign laws into Chinese, and explores the capacity of education to meet the language and legal challenges in legal translation and bilingual law drafting in Hong Kong and the capacity of research to meet the language and legal challenges in legal translation and bilingual law drafting in Hong Kong.

New Approach to Legal Translation

This book is an interdisciplinary study in law and translation theory. Emphasis is placed on translation between common law and civil law jurisdictions. The main focus is on the translation of texts which are authoritative sources of the law, and examples are cited primarily from statutes, codes, and constitutions (Canada, Switzerland, and Belgium), as well as instruments of the European Union and international treaties and conventions. Dealing with theoretical as well as practical aspects of the subject matter, the book analyses legal translation as an act of communication in the mechanism of the law, thus making it necessary to redefine the goal of legal translation.

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