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GLB5220 International Economics & Business: Home

Course Description

This course is to enhance students’ understanding and knowledge of various schools and models in the field of international economics and business and use them to analyze changing global productive, financial and trading systems. It firstly discusses macroeconomics, monetary and fiscal policies, and then analyses different economic issues & policies of the major economic entities such as USA, China, Japan, Germany, India, Korea, and European Union. It also analyzes multiple reasons for regional disintegration and theories and models of integration in Europe, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and America continent. Various related contemporary issues in international economics and business will also be discussed.

Recommended Books

One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth

The book shows how successful countries craft their own strategies for globalization and economic growth. Part One focuses on economic growth: why have some countries grown more rapidly than others, and what we can learn from this experience as we design growth strategies going forward? Part Two focuses on institutions specifically, including themes such as productive vitality, and full gamut of market-supporting institutions. Part Three is devoted to globalization, identifying the central dilemma of the world economy as the tension between the global nature of many of today’s markets in goods, capital, and services, and the national nature of almost all of the institutions that underpin and support them.

Recommended Databases