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GEC3408 Philanthropy and Social Innovation: Home

Course Description

This course introduces the development of philanthropy both conceptually and practically to nurture students’ passion and capacity to strive for social good innovatively as global citizens. 

Recommended Books

Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship: Fundamentals, Concepts and Tools

This book provides a general overview of social innovation, its origins, foundations, and ways of implementation by the social and private sector. It also seeks to show some of its forms of financing and alignment with international development proposals and to provide tools for measuring the impact it generates. Section One introduces basics and concepts of social innovation and social entrepreneurship. Section Two focuses on business models and generation of value in social enterprises. Section Three examines social innovation with traditional companies. Section Four provides definition and alignment of the impact of social innovation and entreprenuership.

Design, When Everybody Designs: An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation

This book discusses design and social change in a connected world in transition toward sustainability. It distinguishes between diffuse design and expert design and describes how they interact. The book maps what design experts can do to trigger and support meaningful social changes, focusing on emerging forms of collaboration. These range from community-supported agriculture in China to digital platforms for medical care in Canada; from interactive storytelling in India to collaborative housing in Milan. These cases illustrate how expert designers can support these collaborations—making their existence more probable, their practice easier, their diffusion and their convergence in larger projects more effective.













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