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GEC3108 Cultural History of China: Home

Course Description

This course examines the cultural history of China. Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist traditions are parsed in the historical context. The course focuses on transitional periods when intellectual landscape changed dramatically, including the Warring States, Han and Six Dynasties, and Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan-Ming. It aims to enhance students’ understanding of Chinese history and thought, as well as to improve students’ analytical skills and critical thinking over historical materials, both primary and secondary sources.

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《搜神记》是晋人干宝编著的一部志怪小说集,又名《搜神录》《搜神异记》《搜神传记》,收录古代及当时流传的各种神仙鬼怪故事,一方面取材于前代的经典史志,另一方面由作者本人采录,主要宣扬神仙术士之神通、精灵古怪之淫祀、妖怪变现之奇异、善恶因果之报应等方面的思想。本书以汪绍楹校注的中华书局1979年版为底本,参考李剑国《新辑搜神记 搜神后记》、胡怀琛校点《搜神记》、顾希佳选译《搜神记》黄涤明《搜神记全译》等多家整理本。









The Cambridge Illustrated History of China

This book traces the origins of Chinese culture from prehistoric times to the present, exploring the contribution of different factors and forces, ideas and inventions, events and leaders that have shaped Chinese civilization. It follows the development of Chinese civilization from the rise of Confucianism, Buddhism, and the great imperial dynasties to the Mongol, Manchu, and Western intrusions and the modern communist state. It also focuses on the influence of leading Chinese historians, poets, novelists, and dramatists to the impact of key philosophical and religious ideas, art forms, family patterns. This second edition includes a new chapter on China's recent opening to the world.



Early Chinese Religion

This set of books provides a composite picture of the history of religion in ancient China from the emergence of writing ca. 1250 BC to the period of division in 589 AD. While Volume One narrates a multi-faceted tale of changing gods and rituals that includes the emergence of a form of “secular humanism” that doubts the existence of the gods and the efficacy of ritual and of an imperial orthodoxy, Volume Two covers all four religions- shamanism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism, among which Buddhism and Daoism receive special attention i on their pantheons, rituals, sacred geography, community organization, canon formation, impact on literature, and recent archaeological discoveries.





Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R.A. Stein

Essays in this book focus on Tantric and Taoist Studies, and serve to underscore the impact of R. A. Stein’s work on Asian religious studies, including essays on the Hindu Tantra of south India and Kashmir, the Hindu-Buddhist Tantra of Bali, Tantric residua in the Buddhism of Indochina, and the Buddhist Tantric traditions of India, Tibet, China and Japan. The Taoist essays offer a diachronoic survey of that religion from its shadowy beginnings under the Han down through its renaissance in the Sung. Stein was renowned for his study in Tibetan epic poetry, the literature of Taoism and Buddhism, as well as Tantric Buddhism.



The Buddhist Conquest of China: The Spread and Adaptation of Buddhism in Early Medieval China

This book describes the characteristics of Buddhism in China and the central region in the late Sui Dynasty in the fourth and fifth centuries. It analyzes the social background of the spread of Buddhism in China at that time, especially the relationship between foreign and domestic, politics and religion, and Buddhism and Taoism at that time. It also uses rich materials that reflect the preaching career of Chinese and foreign monks at that time. This third edition features a foreword by Stephen F. Teiser, and introductory remarks that analyze the development of the field of study from the 1950s to the present.


本书叙述了公元4世纪、5世纪初中国南部和中部地区佛教的特点,剖析了佛教在当时中国传播的社会背景,尤其是当时的夷夏关系、政教关系和佛道关系,并以丰富的资料反映了当年中外僧人的弘法生涯。全书除绪论外还有五章,分别是《历史概观(公元1-4世纪初)》《建康及东南佛教(约公元320-420年)》《襄阳、江陵和庐山的佛教中心及北方佛教的影响》 《“信仰的辩护”:公元4世纪及5世纪初的反对僧权和护持佛教》《“蛮族的皈依”:佛教冲突的早期历史》。

Emperor Huizong

This book is a nuanced portrait that corrects the prevailing view of Huizong as decadent and negligent. Ebrey recasts him as a ruler genuinely ambitious in pursuing glory for his flourishing realm. He greatly expanded the court’s charitable ventures, founding schools, hospitals, orphanages, and paupers’ cemeteries. An accomplished artist, he surrounded himself with outstanding poets, painters, and musicians and built palaces, temples, and gardens of unsurpassed splendor. He treated Daoist spiritual masters with great deference, wrote scriptural commentaries, and urged his subjects to adopt his beliefs and practices. This devotion to the Daoist vision of sacred kingship eventually alienated the Confucian mainstream and compromised his ability to govern.



Changing Gods in Medieval China, 1127-1276

This book is a study of medieval Chinese lay practices and beliefs. Chapter Two tackles the problem of the relationship among popular religion and the established religions of Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism. Chapter Three focuses on contemporary understanding of reciprocity and of the gods’ desire for recognition. Chapter Four documents the government’s changing policies toward popular deities, and suggests that the government’s main purpose was to harness the power of the gods for the purposes of the state. Chapters Five and Six explore the impact of the commercial revolution on the popular pantheon. Sources used include temple inscriptions, literary notes, the administrative law code, and local histories.



The Confucian Persuasion

This book collects ten essays interested in the interrelations of Confucian ideas and the behavior of individuals and groups, as well as the civilization it dominated for centuries. These essays are case studies dealing with a wide range of ideas and with manifestations of social and cultural behavior scattered across two millennia. Each essay seeks to clarify some of the complexities of the Confucian tradition itself, to point out how it has interacted with other traditions in given circumstances, and to show how it has changed in response to the demands of new defenders or new times.





China under Jurchen Rule: Essays on Chin Intellectual and Cultural History

Against the strong historical bias that the most important and impressive causeway of culture passed through Southern Song, this book demonstrates the importance of cultural developments in North China under the Chin (1115-1234) both for their continuation of earlier northern patterns and for their own contributions in such areas as literature, art, Confucian thought, and Buddhist and Taoist religious practices. Part One consists of three essays on history and institutions. Part Two consists of three essays on religion and Confucian thought during the Chin. Part Three includes four essays that relate aspects of literature and art to sociopolitical and cultural developments.





History in Three Keys: The Boxers as Event, Experience, and Myth

This book provides a comprehensive look at the Boxer Rebellion of 1898-1900, a bloody uprising in north China against native Christians and foreign missionaries. Cohen argues that the Boxers as event represent a particular reading of the past, while the Boxers as myth represent an impressing of the past into the service of a particular reading of the present. Besides, Cohen also delves into certain facets of the experiential context of North China in 1900- drought, mass spirit possession, magic and female pollution, rumor, death- in greater depth than is ordinarily the case in writing on the Boxers.



The White Lotus Teachings in Chinese Religious History

This book argues that the history of the "White Lotus Teachings" changes from one of religious groups and magicians into one of elite ideology and religious persecution. From 1130 until 1400, a real lay Buddhist movement existed, which can be called the White Lotus movement. It enjoyed the respect of contemporary literati and religious elites. The movement used the autonym White Lotus Society, which came to be prohibited in the early Ming and was discarded as a result. After 1525, the name reappeared in the form White Lotus Teachings, but now only as a derogatory label, used by officials and literati rather than by believers themselves.



The Cult of the Fox: Power, Gender, and Popular Religion in Late Imperial and Modern China

This book explores the manifold meanings of the fox spirit in Chinese society. It describes various cult practices, activities of worship, and the exorcising of fox spirits to reveal how the Chinese people constructed their cultural and social values outside the gaze of official power and morality. The book uncovers and reinterprets a wealth of anecdotal historical texts and works of popular literature and draws on the author’s ethnographic research. It demonstrates that the Chinese people have drawn on and manipulated the various meanings of the fox spirit to cope with and give order to the changes in their personal lives and in society.



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