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Citation Search Report: HomePage



CUHK-Shenzhen Library offers Citation Search Report(查收查引报告)to CUHK-Shenzhen members to certify that your scholarly works have been collected and cited in academic citation databases such as SCI, SSCI, EI, Scopus, etc. A stamped formal summary report of collection and citation information will be provided to the applicants. The certifications are normally used for application for various types of academic titles and research grants in mainland China. This service currently opens to all CUHK-SZ staff and students.

Please sort your academic publications into the Excel spreadsheet and then upload it to the citation report system below. For instructions, please refer to the Word document. This service is used in mainland China and in simplified Chinese.  Applicants who need translation may contact the library for additional help. 

Portal to the Citation Report System (Login with CUHK-Shenzhen ID and password)

Workflow for Citation Search Report

Citation Search Report by the CUHK-SZ Library

Note that this report covers the following citation databases and is stamped by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).  


  1. Applicants log in to the citation report system with CUHK-SZ ID and Password.
  2. Applicants fill in and submit the search application form(委托单). Please prepare the list of scholarly works in the Excel spreadsheet above
  3. CUHK-SZ librarians search and complete digital draft report.
  4. Applicants download the draft report from the citation search system or may also request the draft report from the librarian via email.
  5. By confirming the content of the draft report with the librarian, applicants then receive the stamped formal citation report.   

Citation Search Report by the University Town Library of Shenzhen (大学城图书馆)

         Note that citation reports by the University Town Library are charged for a certain amount of fees. As its cooperative institution, CUHK-Shenzhen applicants pay 50% of the original price. Calculations of fees and payment methods can be found at this link. This report covers the following citation databases and is stamped by the University Town Library of Shenzhen.  For the citation reports involving CPCI(ISTP), CSSCI, and CSCD, please contact the University Town Library of Shenzhen.


  1. Applicants log in to the citation search system with CUHK-SZ ID and Password.
  2. Applicants fill in and submit the search application form(委托单). Please prepare the list of scholarly works in the Excel spreadsheet above. 
  3. Applicants pay fees for the report to the University Town Library of Shenzhen.
  4. Librarians of the University Town Library search and complete digital draft report.
  5. Applicants download the draft report from the citation search system to confirm or may also request the draft report from the librarian via email.
  6. Applicants confirm the content of the draft report with the CUHK-SZ librarian. 
  7. Applicants receive the formal stamped report at the CUHK-SZ Library.

Commonly used databases and purposes for citation search


HSS: Meng YIN at 

SDS: Weiwei YANG at

SME: Alice BAO at 

SSE: Meng YIN at