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ECO2011: Basic Microeconomics(微观经济学基础): Home

Course Description

This course covers the basic concepts of microeconomics. Major topics include: consumer preference and decision-making, demand theory and applications, theory of the firm, perfect competition in partial equilibrium, monopoly, oligopoly, basic game theory, general competitive equilibrium, welfare economics, and market failure.


Recommended Books

Principles of Economics

The book avoids an over-reliance on formal mathematical derivations and instead presents concepts visually through examples drawn from familiar contexts. The authors present a short list of coherent core principles and reinforce each by illustrating and applying them in many contexts. The authors also encourage us to become 'economic naturalists', by applying basic economic principles to understand and explain what we observe in the world around us.

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the main microeconomic concepts and issues.
  • Understand microeconomic analysis and apply the relevant tools to real-world situations.
  • Use microeconomic models when evaluating the business environment and government policies.
  • Discuss and evaluate current microeconomic affairs about the economy, government decisions and the general business environment in the media.