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ECO3121: Introductory Econometrics (计量经济学导论): Home

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to econometric theory and practice. We begin with a comprehensive discussion of simple and multiple regression analysis. More advanced topics, such as time series analysis, panel data, and binary models, will be tackled later in the semester. The course aims to introduce you to the statistical methods that economists use to test economic theory and interpret economic data, and to give us experience in estimating econometric models with real-world data. 


Recommended Books

Introductory econometrics : a modern approach

Unlike traditional texts, this book's practical, yet professional, approach demonstrates how econometrics has moved beyond a set of abstract tools to become genuinely useful for answering questions across a variety of disciplines. The author has organized the book's presentation around the type of data being analyzed with a systematic approach that only introduces assumptions as they are needed. This makes the material easier to understand and, ultimately, leads to better econometric practices. Packed with relevant applications, the text incorporates more than 100 data sets in different formats. 

Introduction to Econometrics

This book is suitable for courses in introductory econometrics. It brings the theory and practice of modern econometrics to life through engaging applications.

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Critically read the quantitative analysis performed by other researchers.
  • Formulate their own econometric models to perform empirical investigations in business economics and finance.
  • Collect and organize economic and financial data, and use statistical software packages (STATA) for empirical analysis.