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ECO3601: International Trade (国际贸易): Home

Course Description

This course will present a general survey of the theory and empirics of international trade. We will examine its relation to both international and domestic policies. This course contains the theory of comparative advantage, international trade and factor prices, income distribution, economic development, instruments of trade policies and their welfare implications, and international agreement.


Recommended Books

International economics : theory and policy

The book is for International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade courses. It is a balanced approach to theory and policy applications. Also, the book provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the two main topic areas of the discipline. For both international trade and international finance, an intuitive introduction to theory is followed by detailed coverage of policy applications. 

Essentials of International Economics

Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, Feenstra and Taylor’s International Economics is a modern textbook for a modern audience, connecting theory to empirical evidence and expanding beyond the traditional focus on advanced companies to cover emerging markets and developing economies. Essentials of International Economics, Third Edition is the brief version of that textbook designed for a one-semester course covering both international trade and international macroeconomics.

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the basic economic intuitions of several fundamental trade models and be able to use them to analyze trade patterns and facts in the real world. 
  • Able to carry out simple welfare evaluation for international trade policies.