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FIN3080: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (投资分析和组合管理): Home

Course Description

This course focuses on the financial theories and empirical evidence that are useful for investment decisions. The topics covered in this course will include stock portfolio management theories, stock valuation theories and practices, empirical evidence in the equity markets, efficient market and behavioural finance. We will focus on the Chinese stock market.

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The book set the standard for graduate/MBA investments textbooks. The unifying theme is that security markets are nearly efficient, meaning that most securities are priced appropriately given their risk and return attributes. The content places greater emphasis on asset allocation and offers a much broader and deeper treatment of futures, options, and other derivative security markets than most investment texts.


本书展示了发生在中美两国金融圈子内的各种投机套路和玩法, 如美国次贷危机的幕后真相、斯坦福国际银行诈骗案、美国梅道夫案等, 国内企业赴美上市的各种招数、比特币投资的原理分析、互联网金融诈骗等. 每一个案例, 在生动的揭秘之后, 作者还用大量笔墨分析了背后的金融原理和经济常识。



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Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the fundamental theories in asset pricing.
  • Conduct preliminary security analysis and coding.
  • Familiar with the Chinese equity market.