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MGT2020: Principles of Management (管理原理): Home

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the management function. It will focus on the theory and fundamental concepts of management, including planning, organization, leadership, and control. This class will review the evolution of management thought, function and practice and will stress current approaches and emerging concepts. In addition to covering the basic theoretical concepts, the course also allows us to have some hands-on practice as effective managers.

本课程立足于对管理功能的介绍。 它将重点关注管理的理论和基本概念,包括规划,组织,领导和控制。 这个课程将回顾管理思想,职能和实践的演变,重点强调主流管理方法和新兴管理概念。除了涵盖基本的理论概念,课程通过一些实践环节让我们体会如何作为一个有效管理者。

Recommended Books


For undergraduate Principles of Management courses. REAL managers, REAL experiences With a renewed focus on skills and careers, the new edition of this bestselling text can help better prepare individuals to enter the job market. This book vividly illustrates effective management theories by incorporating the perspectives of real-life managers. Through examples, cases, and hands-on exercises, we'll see and experience management in action, helping us understand how the concepts we're learning about actually work in today's dynamic business world. 

Management : an introduction

This is an accessible and academically rigorous guide to the themes and functions of management. It contains in depth case studies that examine key management issues in a broad range of organisations, from Apple and Virgin to the British Heart Foundation and Management in Practice features full of insights into contemporary management activities. Entrepreneurship, sustainability, governance and internationalization are integrated throughout, giving clear guidance on how we can further their understanding of these key topics.

Modern management : concepts and skills

This book takes a unique approach that helps us develop a specific management skill in each chapter. Organized around the functions of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling, the content specifically focuses on how us can be more strategic and more creative, work as team members, become successful leaders, and more. The chapters are designed to build these skills, and others, to fulfill the core objective: To help students both obtain employment and flourish in the workplace. 

Recommeded Databases

Learning Outcomes

  • Cover the basic concepts of management.
  • Identify the key competencies needed to be an effective manager.
  • Provide the students with the capability to apply theoretical knowledge in simulated and real-life settings.
  • Develop the students’ ability to work in teams.