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For all E-resources that support institutional login, you can log in with your institutional account. For E-resources that support WAYFless (WAYF stands for Where Are You From) URLs, patrons can simply login on the WAYFless URL page without having to detour through the institutional login page. For E-resources that do not support WAYFless URLs, patrons need to find the entrance of institution login and the name of our institution first, and then reach the login page.
Please go to the E-resources List
If you see an E-resource tagged by this INSTITUTION logo, that means you can visit the E-resources' link without setting up VPN even from off-campus network.
If you visit from on-campus network, you will be directed to homepage of this E-resource directly.
If you visit from off-campus network, you will be directed to the Institutional Login page. Simply access this E-resource by entering username and password of your university account on the Institutional Login page.
Route: Sign in > You can also sign in via your institution, organization or OpenAthens.
Institution Name: CUHK-Shenzhen
Route:Sign in > Sign in via Shibboleth
Institution Name: CUHK-Shenzhen
Route:Institutional Login > Log in via Shibboleth / OpenAthens
Institution Name: CUHK-Shenzhen
Route: Sign in > You can also sign in via your institution, organization or OpenAthens.
Institution Name: 香港中文大学(深圳)(CUHK-Shenzhen) (Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen)
Route: Carsi登录
Institution Name: 香港中文大学(深圳)(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Route: CARSI
Institution Name: 香港中文大学(深圳)(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Route: CARSI Login
Institution Name: 香港中文大学(深圳)(The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Go to the WAYFless URL for IOPScience, and log in with your institutional account
1. Go to Link, and click on Institution Sign in OR Sign in via your institution
2. Enter the Institution Name: CUHK-Shenzhen
3. log in with your institutional account
4. Accept the terms